Slipcovers, Sandwiches, Showers & Strawberries...
O, LORD, You are my GOD! I will exalt You, I will praise Your name for You have done wonderful things! Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth! You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusteth in You. Trust in the LORD for ever! for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength!
Wow! where did the time go? As we heard last sunday, once we start getting older time does actually move along faster. :) I have had action-packed weeks since I last blogged. I shall start at the beginning...always a good place to start. ;)
I had taken some photos to document the dramatic change in our family room sofa but seem to have deleted them somehow so will post those later but I did spend about 2 wks working on sewing a custom slipcover for our sectional sofa. We, or rather I, picked it up alongside the road one evening last summer when coming home from mowing the church yard...twas free! and with getting married that fall, we needed all the help we could get! :) It was in decent condition, a dark/medium brown with floral design. The edges were a bit frayed on the front...obviously had been used as a kitty scratching post...but it sat wonderfully! One weekend when Kevin was visiting we lugged the whole kit and kaboodle out onto the drive and proceeded to wash it down with hose and broom. :) It survived the trek to PA on the semi-trailer and was stationed in our family room. I was uncertain whether to cover it or just save ourselves the cash but when I found fabric for $1.99 yd I couldn't resist and covered it became. I still the cushions to hem and the one arm to finish but it turned out very well! even to my surprise! :)
I have a job! Just started 3 wks ago...Walnut Cheese Nook is the place and I run the sandwich/grill corner from 6am-1pm frying eggs, sausage, bacon and slapping sandwiches together. I am enjoying it! Getting out of bed those mornings is coming a bit hard...*whispers* I got lazy the last 8 months. ;) But I work with awesome girls and am getting to know the community folks...Omelets seem to be my speciality. Stop in for one! :)
The best thing that happened in May was the birth of my lil neice, Kyra Elise! She is a darling! I went to Ohio the week after she arrived and stayed for 8 days...Kevin made that quite clear once I got back. :) People were informing he was a bit droopy....I had a great time helping with the baby shower, hanging out with friends and family, shopping with the sisters and Mom and taking photos of the baby and her brother, Cedrick.

but where is the baby??
Here she is! :)
Kyra is a quiet, happy, contented baby who needs her comfort zone. :) I got a few chuckles watching her go from terrified squalls to absolute happy silence when picked up. :) She definitely is a girl! People say she looks like me...I just hope her hair turns blonde. :)
Cedrick LOVES his sister! :) During a photo break he was running in circles calming his nerves from all the excitement and coming back to us, flopped down next to Kyra who was on the floor. Miscalculating the space, he smacked her on the side of her little head which instantly caused sobs of pain to emit from her lips. Within 2 seconds he realized that HE had caused his sister to cry...I have never seen such a reaction! Rolling away from us, kicking his legs, waving his arms and wailing with grief, he was utterly heartbroken! I left Kyra to Mommy and scooped lil brother telling him, "It's alright! You didn't mean to hurt Kyra! Look, she stopped crying, she's okay." Once he realized this, he stopped kicking himself and was soon sucking happily on the lollipop we had promised him would come after the photos. :) I have the feeling he'll be a great brother...
The Family:
You can find more photos of her and her family on my photography
Coming home from Ohio, I was accompanied by 15 qt homegrown strawberries. In addition, Mom sent a dozen chochlate covered berries for Kevin, in appreciation of his agreeing to the lack of wifey for all that time. I will go public and say that I did not eat one of those the whole 5 hr drive home even though they sat on the seat beside me uncovered! *sigh* twas such a struggle but I counted him worthy of the prize. :) I did help eat them though once he had the first one. Thanks, Mom! They were scrumptious! Arriving home Friday evening, I waited to care for the remaining berries till Sat. morning when I then sat out and sunned myself while de-stemming...then I sliced and bagged them for the freezer. Smoothies are the purpose for their existance.
This week has flown with working 3 days, softball games 3 evenings and a wedding to prepare for this weekend. Yesterday I spent nearly the whole day cleaning 2 wks of grime off everything. I seriously felt like I was living in a pig-sty! *wrinkles nose* I hit the pool-side this morning for about 1 1/2 hrs watching Decky and Natty's a scorcher out there! This afternoon I plan on tackling the spare room which is cluttered with boxes and storage and needs organizing. Kevin is coming home around 3pm today! Since we have the rehearsal tonight he decided to take a half day off and do some yard work around here. I think he is finishing my herb planter so then I can plant the remaining herbs Monday. Can't wait till fresh salsa time! The peas are ripening quickly in the garden and I am expecting to have them to do in a week..actually half looking forward to it...shocking I know! :) My biggest problem to tackle: How to fit all veggies, fruits and meats into chest freezer. Any suggestions?
Blessings! Shana