The Beginning of Normal Life.... ;)

     Where have I been, you might ask. The truth? I have been running round looking for my head. *laughs* not quite, but close. :) But now NO MORE!! I am quitting work! well, sorta...more like switching jobs. Since the end of May I worked as Grill Chef at Walnut Cheese Nook from 6am-1pm but 4wks ago we decided enough was enough and I handed in my 2wks. Reason? I had come to the place where I wasn't able to be the wife I wanted to be, a friend to my new friends, no time to lend a helping hand to those in need, couldn't blog, and I never got my laundry done. ;) Plus, with winter coming on and work at the shop slowing down for Kevin he was hitting the road again trucking from here to the Mid-west every few weeks...since I worked 2 days a week there was no way I could go along so the past 2wks I have been pretty much alone at home. Not cool! :/ All in all, something had to be done. Say "hello" to the new me! Secretary Shana. ;) I will now be working full-time at the office, which on a side-note, will be totally renovated this fall/winter! so exciting! :) Taking over the bookwork, website, advertising and just general up-keep. I had already been trying to do it all in addition to working at Cheese Nook and it was just getting kicked into the corner for later. Much later... :) so tomorrow is my last day at work!! *bounces around the room*

::Smidges of Summer::
July 4th- My lovely sis Heidi and awesome friends, Heather, Jolene, Stacie and Amber came to visit me! We went to the State College fireworks, had a cookout, spent one day shopping in little Newport, PA, and the other day at the river. I had a terrible great time! :)
Mid July- Zac Poonen had meetings in Beaver Springs and my parents and lil bro came out. They weren't here long but it was so good to see them again! I had been placed in charge of Child-Care over the meetings...that was quite fun. Got to hold lots of crying babies.... ;) 
Early August- Another visit from the brother! He came out with Ryan and Chase. That was right over the Father-Son party the church men have every year so for the evening Kevin had a "son" :) We ladies joined them after dark for a firework display the youth boys set off. Twas awesome!! *just as good as State College...she whispers* the only bad thing of that weekend, Preston ended up leaving sick. Hopefully it doesn't scare him away.... ;)
August- We made a flying trip to Montana again sometime in August. Kevin found a load going out and then another one coming home so we packed and left. It didn't go exactly as planned but it was memorable. We blew the turbo in the engine which delayed us a half day and cut our time with family extremely short. Heading back we get stopped by DOT and told we couldn't continue on with our load. We would have to head back to where we had picked up and unload. Wellll, we sorta didn't listen. ;) Once the office closed for the night we headed off again...don't pass this on to the DOT officer! *chuckle* I did feel very sneaky and sly... :) The next evening we were accosted by a uniformed man again!! only this time we had had to park in a "No Parking Zone" as the truck stop was completely full. Nevertheless, he wasn't sympathetic so we paid the fine and had to move on. Such memories! :)

 the best driver...EVER! ;)

 anyone wanna take a guess on what causes splatters on a windshield?? *chuckle* hey! I was bored! and you gotta admit it makes a cool design.... :)

Mid September- We went fishing!!! We felt that we needed a weekend off together so booked a night's stay in Pittsburgh, PA. That is a really neat city, by the way! We headed down Saturday after a lazy morning of sleeping in and eating a big breakfast. Spent the afternoon walking along the river and watching Polar Bears at the OmniMax. After stuffing ourselves at a VERY high-class restruant, won't say how much the meal cost!! we walked back to our hotel and simply relaxed. About midnight we got hungry for ice-cream so back out onto the streets we went! :) of course nothing was open except for a little corner cafe so we bought a slice of cheesecake apiece and devoured them. :) To back up a bit, this summer has been full of fireworks for us. Our hotel was right across from the Pirates stadium and after the game that evening they had "Fireworks on the River" we got to watch them right out our window. Sunday morning we drove the rest of the way to OH stopping to visit Chelsea at the hospital where we had the privilege of watching 1,300 bikers come roaring in to hand out stuffed animals to all the children. Seriously! do you know how many cycles that is!!!?? it was crazy loud!! *chuckle* the hospital was in such a good mood they even let us leave the parking garage without paying... ;) After spending time there we heading for my old home and surprised my family! :) Remember, Monica?? ;) The whole reason for heading home?? FISHING!! Monday we spent the whole day on Lake Erie with my family fishing for perch. It was a chilly day but mucho fun! Nobody got sick and we caught enough for everyone to get a few meals out of it. 

And that...other than little things like Sunday School, Church Potlucks, Evening Ball-Games, Painting Projects, Photography School, and the never ending Gardening....was my summer. :)
Now on to photos!! Blogs are boring if there are no photos....personal opinion. :)

Pittsburgh, PA

 our hotel is the square building with the arch thru the middle...

 the hotel front...

My latest Project

 We acquired this drop leaf table and 2 chairs at Kevin's Grandpa's is/was in pretty bad shape but is starting to look much better! I don't have recent photos of it yet...

the color it shall soon be...

After stripping off 2 layers of faux wood I found 2-toned wood stripes! I plan on staining the top and the stripes made me quite ecstatic! :)

Laundry Soap

I make my own soap and love it! Takes a bit of time but it's worth it...

Happy Days, Chilly Fall, & Clean Laundry~ :) 