Baby Bump, Baby Bunting & Baby Biding...

   With only 1 1/2 wks left on the clock (we hope) it seems the last details are finally wrapped up. Had a problem finding things to keep me busy today...strange, I know! :)
   It's a dreary, rainy day and Kevin is off to New York trucking...I itched to go along but he didn't think it wise...the highways are bumpy and his nightmare come to life would be my labor starting without the comfort of our midwife close by. :) I told him twould be fine...not likely she'll pop out within 5 hrs but he wasn't to be shaken I sit at the library using wifi. :)
   The weeks have been full yet creep oh so slowly by! Our miniature garden is producing nicely which gives me beans, jalapenos and banana peppers to can tomorrow. The peas are ready for first picking and hopefully the numerous green tomatoes will be red here shortly. Am running into war with bugs though....they seem to be winning the battle over my cauliflower...I planted a second crop of radishes, beans and peas, hoping to be able to put more away as we've been eating them about as rapidly as the they produce. Our watermelon vine has no melons! which is terribly disappointing as I could devour something wet and juicy all day long, but we're biding our time...the vine sure looks great! ;)
   The days are hot and extremely muggy! I stay indoors as much as possible..sadly my flower beds are the proof of that...they are in dire need of weeding and mulching! The neighboring laundry mat tore down our gorgeous yellow fence about a month ago and replaced it with white vinyl, yes, I know, its quality and practical, but I miss the cheery colors out my kitchen window. anyways, in the process of replacing the fence, they decided I need more flower bed space and gave me an additional 1 ft area in which to plant but then filled it up with gravel and shale.... :/ neither Kevin or I feel up to shoveling all that trash back onto their property so our plan is to just thinly mulch over top. ;)
   This past Sunday we had lunch at the in-laws for the new brother's birthday...Rhoda and Allen got hitched 3 wks ago and just returned home this past Wed. from honeymooning in Massachusetts. We unfortunately missed their gift opening night as Kevin had ball league but they want our old couch so we plan on hauling that up soon and taking a peek at everything. Speaking of old couch, we upped our living status!! *voila* leather! :) We bought a set of three--sofa, loveseat and single chair. They're dark coffee brown in color with stitching accents and plastic legs. ;) The chair went up to our room, perfect for snuggling with a fussy baby at 2 am, and the loveseat ended up in the office. We would have wanted it upstairs but as we measured and eyeballed last night, there is no decently convenient way to rearrange our bedroom furniture to make room.
   Ahh, more rain! and I just thought about my end table sitting out on the patio so the paint can dry... ;/ guess it only cost a dollar. *grin*
   Whats with the vehicle parked behind me? their wipers are flying at top speed and they're not even moving! maybe the passenger was admiring my car's spoiler and didn't quite get enough of it yet... ;) If you haven't realized by now, I am sitting in the car OUTSIDE the library.... :)
   Back to Sunday, after lunch we stole Marty and took a few bump photos before it (thankfully) melts all away.... :)


    Our rocking chair and crib mattress are ready for pickup so will post photos of the finished nursery this week yet. I had hoped to get the diaper pail, bathtub and carseat washed and sanitized today but this rain shoved that off...other than that, we're set to go! :)