Our new home....
I am properly horrified about the time that has lapsed since my last blog but there is quite a bit to say so everyone should be mollified. ;)
Between caring for our home and family the past year, I had numerous weddings to photograph, weddings to attend, and summer activities to occupy any spare time there might have been leftover.
Shaniya hasn't grown much in size but her voice and maturity has progressed in leaps and bounds...she loves singing, especially "Jesus loves me" and can actually stay on key for the whole song though the words are the same phrase over and over, "Yes, Jesus loves me" with an occasional "bible" thrown in at the proper time :) Books are her passion. Much as I love reading and had to be limited to 2 hrs a day of book time growing up, she has outdone me. :) She reads to her animals, her babies, and herself but her favorite is to sit and be read to..by the hour! Every book is identified by her favorite picture or animal inside and she will go up two flights of stairs to retrieve a particular book she wants. :) Her Daddy is her hero and by the time 5:00 pm comes around every day, she is listening intently for the sound of the door opening and runs to meet him with "Daddy bum, Daddy bum!" yes, she hasn't conquered the letter C yet... ;) She is beginning the potty-training stage....I debated whether to try and accomplish it before baby Macaroni arrives but she took matters into her own hands and started telling me when she needs to go. The novelty of it has worn off now so I need to prompt her with chocolate.... :)

We moved from town to the country in October...Kevin's parents needed to downsize so we inhabited the homeplace and are working to fix it up a bit. Since our new place is mucho larger than our last abode I have indulged in shopping... :) Such fun to find little treasures here and there to make the place a home. Though I do dread moving again if it exists in our future as we have accquired such a lot of "stuff". :/
My fingers are itching to get into the ginormous garden and numerous flower beds and I eagerly await numerous catalogs. I'd like to try my hand at square gardening instead of the evenly spaced rows I would have grown up with. :) It sounds like fun and less weed pulling....plus it incorporates flowers with vegetables. With the coming of lil Macaroni the beginning of June I am hoping all the veggies wait to be harvested till I'm capable to keep up as our larder is becoming exceedingly emptier by the week.
This pregnancy has been quite a bit different from Shaniya's...I had nausea and weariness so spent much time sitting on my easy chair doing nothing for the first 3-4 months but that is slowly easing up and I've been able to keep up with everything the past few weeks. Since the ultrasound says it's another little girl I have been trying to get the nursery looking girly....Shaniya doesn't understand exactly what's going on but when we ask where Baby Sister is she points to Mommy's bulge....generally directly into the belly button so she must think that's the precise location.... :) We have had some confusion as to the exact due date as I seem to measure small which makes my midwife doubt my date so as it stands now, her due date is 4 wks off from mine. :/ I am just hoping and praying this girlie will decide to come on her own so we don't need another inducement. Shaniya was two weeks late because of the same confusion and had already had her first bowel movement so it's a little scary for me wondering what this labor will be like but I'm expecting their personalities to be extremely different so maybe Macaroni will be unable to take her confinement and pop out on her own. :)
I took some snapshots of a few rooms in our home and will take you on a tour in sections....as I clean it up. ;) I have been surprised by how little effort it takes to keep up with the housework since it is a large abode. Even the yard work wasn't too bad if you ignore all the picking up of sticks blown down by the outrageous winds we have in the valley. I love wind! but not the sticks. :)
Between caring for our home and family the past year, I had numerous weddings to photograph, weddings to attend, and summer activities to occupy any spare time there might have been leftover.
Shaniya hasn't grown much in size but her voice and maturity has progressed in leaps and bounds...she loves singing, especially "Jesus loves me" and can actually stay on key for the whole song though the words are the same phrase over and over, "Yes, Jesus loves me" with an occasional "bible" thrown in at the proper time :) Books are her passion. Much as I love reading and had to be limited to 2 hrs a day of book time growing up, she has outdone me. :) She reads to her animals, her babies, and herself but her favorite is to sit and be read to..by the hour! Every book is identified by her favorite picture or animal inside and she will go up two flights of stairs to retrieve a particular book she wants. :) Her Daddy is her hero and by the time 5:00 pm comes around every day, she is listening intently for the sound of the door opening and runs to meet him with "Daddy bum, Daddy bum!" yes, she hasn't conquered the letter C yet... ;) She is beginning the potty-training stage....I debated whether to try and accomplish it before baby Macaroni arrives but she took matters into her own hands and started telling me when she needs to go. The novelty of it has worn off now so I need to prompt her with chocolate.... :)

We moved from town to the country in October...Kevin's parents needed to downsize so we inhabited the homeplace and are working to fix it up a bit. Since our new place is mucho larger than our last abode I have indulged in shopping... :) Such fun to find little treasures here and there to make the place a home. Though I do dread moving again if it exists in our future as we have accquired such a lot of "stuff". :/
My fingers are itching to get into the ginormous garden and numerous flower beds and I eagerly await numerous catalogs. I'd like to try my hand at square gardening instead of the evenly spaced rows I would have grown up with. :) It sounds like fun and less weed pulling....plus it incorporates flowers with vegetables. With the coming of lil Macaroni the beginning of June I am hoping all the veggies wait to be harvested till I'm capable to keep up as our larder is becoming exceedingly emptier by the week.
This pregnancy has been quite a bit different from Shaniya's...I had nausea and weariness so spent much time sitting on my easy chair doing nothing for the first 3-4 months but that is slowly easing up and I've been able to keep up with everything the past few weeks. Since the ultrasound says it's another little girl I have been trying to get the nursery looking girly....Shaniya doesn't understand exactly what's going on but when we ask where Baby Sister is she points to Mommy's bulge....generally directly into the belly button so she must think that's the precise location.... :) We have had some confusion as to the exact due date as I seem to measure small which makes my midwife doubt my date so as it stands now, her due date is 4 wks off from mine. :/ I am just hoping and praying this girlie will decide to come on her own so we don't need another inducement. Shaniya was two weeks late because of the same confusion and had already had her first bowel movement so it's a little scary for me wondering what this labor will be like but I'm expecting their personalities to be extremely different so maybe Macaroni will be unable to take her confinement and pop out on her own. :)
I took some snapshots of a few rooms in our home and will take you on a tour in sections....as I clean it up. ;) I have been surprised by how little effort it takes to keep up with the housework since it is a large abode. Even the yard work wasn't too bad if you ignore all the picking up of sticks blown down by the outrageous winds we have in the valley. I love wind! but not the sticks. :)
The Sunroom off the Kitchen...as close as I can get to a greenhouse :)
These are for our 5th and 10th anniversaries.... :)
Since I could never fill these cupboards with kitchen stuff with my large walk-in pantry, I converted them to a bookcase, so come visit! grab a book of your choice and a cup of coffee or tea and snuggle down in a couch. :)
We replaced all the floors in the main level as the floors were 25 yrs old
The Dining-Room
More to come! :)