
   I have no desire or intention of becoming/being a blogger of spiritual things. I never want to give off the attitude that I have it all together. I don't. Not by a long shot. But I forget things. I have learned that if I speak it out loud or write it down, my brain remembers. I love to journal but that seems to be a thing of the past since "mommy-hood" :) so this is where I "write"

Then I will remember.

   This morning in the service, scripture was spoken from Joshua and it caught my attention. Tonight as we were out enjoying the glorious weather I pulled out my phone and opened my Bible app. As I listened to the passage audio it resonated again but this time a different verse popped out and blessed me soo much....

Joshua 1:14
The reality that hit me was this - He didn't promise the Israelites wealth, abundance of clothing, food, ease of life, but


In the verses following Joshua calls his men together and spoke, (in condensed form)
"Your families will stay here but you, as men of strength, will cross over Jordon, leading the other tribes, and together you will defeat the enemy. Stay with the tribes until they have received their rest,
the same the LORD has given you."

The LORD's desire is to give us rest. Whatever that means to each individual. Rest.
Once we have received our rest we are then called to reach out and help others find their land of rest.
So simple!

My heart always cried out for the truth of GOD. WHO HE IS TRULY. not things I have been taught or that have been spoken to me but truth for me. From Him. and this is a TRUTH.

He is gentle. He is kind. He is caring.